Thursday, October 11, 2012

Business Gifts For That Personal Connection

Business gifts are great ways to show appreciation to employees, and to say thank you or to congratulate them for a job well done or for something else going on in their lives.  They are also great to save up for your best customers as a way to say "thank you for your business".  After all, without our clients we would be nowhere at all!

It is not always possible to hand deliver gifts to clients, especially when those clients are located across the country or are even in a different part of the world.  In this case, take the time to create a special note or hand written letter for those clients who merit special attention, and include them with the nicely wrapped package that you will be sending inside the shipping box.

As for employees, there are many occasions on which a business gift is appropriate, and these range from a promotion to a completed project and from an anniversary with the company to the birth of a new child.  Business gifts are meant to show your employees that they are important to you and that you care about what is going on with them and/or are thankful for the hard work that they are doing for you, so prove that appreciation by giving them their business gifts in person.

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