Monday, March 10, 2014

Unacceptable articles of clothing listed in the memo included leggings

In 2010, the Kanawha County Sheriff's Department adopted a policy banning tattoos or body art that were visible when deputies wore a short-sleeved summer uniform shirt. Under the policy, any deputy who had a visible tattoo prior to adoption of the new policy was allowed to keep it, but new recruits being considered for a job are asked if they would be willing to have a tattoo removed as a condition of employment, sheriff's department spokesman Cpl. Brian Humphreys said. 
"For us, it's more about uniformity," Humphreys said. "We are representing the sheriff of Kanawha County, and important to bForklift forkse professional and appear professional. It's important for us to dress and look accordingly." 

Kanawha County Clerk Vera McCormick sent a memo to her employees in September 2012 reminding them of her office's dress standards. "Clothing worn to the office should be selected to reflect a business-like and professional image," McCormick said.Unacceptable articles of clothing listed in the memo included leggings, sweat pants, halter tops, short shorts, short skirts, "sun dresses that reveal back or cleavage" and "tank shirts or tops that reveal back, cleavage or stomach." Jeans were discouraged unless employees would be working in an area that would likely damage or dirty nicer clothes.Sayre said county officials have recently begun requiring employees who work at service windows or deal often with taxpayers to wear polo shirts with their office logo and khaki pants. BROOKSVILLE - It started when a firefighter showed up for work with what his boss considered an offensive tattoo. 

Human Resources Director Cheryl Marsden didn't elaborate but said it prompted her to revise the county employee dress code to better regulate the wearing of jewelry and tattoos. It"es before county"missioners for consideration Tuesday.Buy high quality Coach Grade Sunglasses, Custom Fit Stripe Shirt and more.Marsden said it's about projecting a professional image while dealing with the public.wholesale Best Dsquared Long T-Shirts from homepage. But a union official believes this has the potential to backfire in the county's face.Specifically, the revised policy states: "Jewelry worn by employees shall be conservative and not offensive or detract from a professional image."

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