Thank you, America. Thank you for re-electing Barack Obama.Thank you for solidifying Obamacare. Thank you for ensuring that my health insurance rates will rise to the point where my employer drops my coverage. Thank you for future higher prescription drug prices, for lower quality care, for long lines to see my doctor, and for allowing a board of 15 people to determine my fate. Thank you, America.
Thank you, America, for making sure our media will be taking a coffee break for the next four years instead of holding our elected officials accountable (unless they're Republicans, of course). Thank you for making sure we'll never find out about how we lost a brave border agent who was shot by a gun from a government gun-running operation.
Thank you for making sure we won't find out about why our president lied about the circumstances surrounding the death of an ambassador. Thank you for seeing to it that we won't find out that the government's response to Sandy was worse than its response to Katrina. Thank you, America.
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